Hobart gaming with NAB

SportSim News

SportSim often gets requests to help bring conference booth spaces to life, and create `attention grabbing` concepts that will help to differentiate a stand from all the others in the room.

Working with NAB and agency Six Black Pens, SportSim developed a `block builder` game that would align with the theme of `building better futures` for the NAB education finance team.

The event was the ASBA Conference, held at the Grand Chancellor Hotel in Hobart, and alongside the logistical challenges of getting commercial grade touchscreens across the water, it was vital that the game hooked people in, created a fun interaction, and captured event leads for the team to follow up with post-conference.

With over 120 interactions across the conference period, the SportSim touchscreen game served its purpose, and provided a perfect fun focal point for the NAB stand.

Ask us about how we can create a gaming experience to complement your conference theme, and bring your booth space to life.

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It was a great activation that we will look to use again in the future. James, Australian Rugby Union
Thank you for such a seamless event. The client said it was an absolute hit and everybody loved it! Sam, Safari Marketing
Thank you so much for all of your support at our Kick Start Sales and Property Management Conference. It was fantastic having you there and adds an engaging element to the tradeshow. Amanda, Barry Plant